Physical Therapist Assistant

Physical Therapist Assistant

  • Degree Type Degree
  • Program outcomesEnter the workforce
  • Area of StudyHealth
  • Total Credit Hours70

帮助人们康复,恢复他们的力量和活动能力,提高他们的生活质量 获得物理治疗师助理(PTA)应用科学副学士学位 from Montco. 在蓝铃校区最先进的健康科学中心授课, you'll earn 70-credits.

在课程结束时,您将准备接受物理治疗师助理 国家物理治疗考试国家认证/执照. You will 还能够有效地展示基于价值观的行为 协助为蒙哥马利县不同人群服务的物理治疗师 and surrounding communities. 助教在物理指导和监督下工作 therapists. 他们受雇于医院、疗养院、家庭保健等机构 机构,康复中心,学校系统,运动医学设施和私人 practices.

Program outcomes
  • 展示熟练的入门级知识和技能,安全,有效和 有效实施物理治疗师制定的综合护理计划;
  • 遵守法律、道德和专业规定和标准所确定的 在物理治疗的执业范围内,履行物理治疗的职责 the PTA scope of practice;
  • 有效沟通,敏感和意识到个体差异 患者、家属、同事和其他医疗保健提供者;
  • 展示可观察的行为,表明对基于PTA价值的行为的承诺.
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蒙哥马利县社区学院的物理治疗师助理项目是 获物理治疗教育评审委员会(CAPTE)认可:

3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100
Alexandria, VA, 22305-3085
phone: 703-706-3245

如果需要直接联系项目/机构,请致电215-619-7361或 email

Special Admission Requirements

所有申请进入物理技术/临床阶段的申请人 治疗师助理计划需要提交一份完整的物理请愿书 治疗师助理入学服务,并出示具体的证书 matching programs admission guidelines.

About the admission process

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Explore Careers


Program Curriculum

Sequence of courses

物理治疗师助理项目技术前期和技术阶段的课程 Phase are listed in sequential order. All Pre-Technical courses must be completed before enrollment into the Technical Phase courses. The Pre-Technical courses BIO 131, BIO 132, PHY 115, ESW 222和ESW 224必须在五年内完成 enrollment into the Technical Phase courses. The PTA Technical Phase is a 16 month, 连续的阶段,由四个连续的学期组成. Students are admitted to 每年春季的技术阶段物理治疗师助理项目.

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Pre-Technical Phase

First Semester 
Course ID Title Credits
BIO 131 Human Anatomy & Physiology I (1st 6 weeks) 4
ENG 101 English Composition I (1st 6 weeks) 3
BIO 132 Human Anatomy & Physiology II (2nd 6 weeks) 4
MAT 106 Math Applications (2nd 6 weeks) 3
14 Credit Hours

Second Semester
Course ID Title Credits
THA 105 表演入门I:即兴表演和基础 3
PHY 115 Technical Physics 4
PSY 206 Human Development – A Life-Span Approach 3
ESW 222 Applied Kinesiology (offered fall only) 3
ESW 224 Exercise Physiology (offered fall only) 4
17 Credit Hours

Technical Phase

Third Semester 
Course ID Title Credits
PTA 100 物理治疗师协助和数据收集基础知识(前7周) 4
PTA 110 Therapeutic Modalities in Physical Therapy (1st 7 weeks) 4
PTA 125 物理治疗师辅助的治疗干预 4
12 Credit Hours
Fourth Semester 
Course ID Title Credits
PTA 200 Pathology & 贯穿生命周期和连续体的骨科疾病康复 of Care 5
PTA 201 物理治疗师助理的角色、关系和责任研讨会I 2
PTA 220 Pathology & Rehabilitation of Special Populations & Conditions Across the Lifespan and Continuum of Care 5
12 Credit Hours

Fifth Semester 
Course ID Title Credits
PTA 221 Clinical Education I (1st 7-week session) 2
PTA 202 物理治疗师助理的角色、关系及责任研讨会II(第1期) 7-week session) 1
PTA 210 Pathology & 神经系统疾病在整个生命周期和连续体中的康复 of Care (2nd 7-week session) 6
9 Credit Hours

Sixth Semester 
Course ID Title Credits
PTA 222 Clinical Education II (1st 7 weeks) 2
PTA 203 物理治疗师助理的角色、关系和责任研讨会III (1st 7 weeks) 1
PTA 223 Clinical Education III (2nd 7-week session) 2
PTA 204 物理治疗师助理的角色、关系和责任研讨会四 (2nd 7-week session) 1
6 Credit Hours
Total Semester Hours Credit: 70

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Full-time sample course schedule

Semester 1 (summer)

Course ID Title Credits
BIO 131 Human Anatomy & Physiology I (1st 6 weeks) 4
ENG 101 English Composition I (1st 6 weeks) 3
BIO 132 Human Anatomy & Physiology II (2nd 6 weeks) 4
MAT 106 Math Applications (2nd 6 weeks) 3

Semester 2 (fall)

Course ID Title Credits
THA 105 表演入门I:即兴表演和基础 3
PHY 115 Technical Physics 4
PSY 206 Human Development – A Life-Span Approach 3
ESW 222 Applied Kinesiology (offered fall only) 3
ESW 224 Exercise Physiology (offered fall only) 4

Semester 3 (spring)


Course ID Title Credits
PTA 100 物理治疗师协助和数据收集基础知识(前7周) 4
PTA 110 Therapeutic Modalities in Physical Therapy (1st 7 weeks) 4
PTA 125 物理治疗师辅助的治疗干预 4

Semester 4 (summer)

Course ID Title Credits
PTA 200 Pathology & 贯穿生命周期和连续体的骨科疾病康复 of Care 5
PTA 201 物理治疗师助理的角色、关系和责任研讨会I 2
PTA 220 Pathology & Rehabilitation of Special Populations & Conditions Across the Lifespan and Continuum of Care 5
Semester 5 (fall)
Course ID Title Credits
PTA 221 Clinical Education I (1st 7-week session) 2
PTA 202 物理治疗师助理的角色、关系及责任研讨会II(第1期) 7-week session) 1
PTA 210 Pathology & 神经系统疾病在整个生命周期和连续体中的康复 of Care (2nd 7-week session) 6

Semester 6 (spring)

Course ID Title Credits
PTA 222 Clinical Education II (1st 7 weeks) 2
PTA 203 物理治疗师助理的角色、关系和责任研讨会III (1st 7 weeks) 1
PTA 223 Clinical Education III (2nd 7-week session) 2
PTA 204 物理治疗师助理的角色、关系和责任研讨会四 (2nd 7-week session) 1

Part-time sample course schedule

Semester 1 (fall)

Course ID Title Credits
BIO 131 Human Anatomy & Physiology I  4
MAT 106 Math Applications  3

Semester 2 (spring)

Course ID Title Credits
BIO 132 Human Anatomy & Physiology II  4
PHY 115 Technical Physics 4

Semester 3 (summer)

Course ID Title Credits
THA 105 表演入门I:即兴表演和基础 3
ENG 101 English Composition I 3
PSY 206 Human Development – A Life-Span Approach 3

Semester 4 (fall)

Course ID Title Credits
ESW 222 Applied Kinesiology (offered fall only) 3
ESW 224 Exercise Physiology (offered fall only 4


Semester 5 (spring)

Course ID Title Credits
PTA 100 物理治疗师协助和数据收集的基础知识 4
PTA 110 Therapeutic Modalities in Physical Therapy 4
PTA 125 物理治疗师辅助的治疗干预 4

Semester 6 (summer)

Course ID Title Credits
PTA 200 Pathology & 贯穿生命周期和连续体的骨科疾病康复 of Care 5
PTA 201 物理治疗师助理的角色、关系和责任研讨会I 2
PTA 220 Pathology & Rehabilitation of Special Populations & Conditions Across the Lifespan and Continuum of Care 5

Semester 7 (fall)

Course ID Title Credits
PTA 221 临床教育一(第一期7周课程的前6周) 2
PTA 202 物理治疗师助理的角色、关系和责任研讨会II (Week 7 of the 1st 7-week session) 1
PTA 210 Pathology & 神经系统疾病在整个生命周期和连续体中的康复 of Care (2nd 7-week session) 6

Semester 8 (spring)

Course ID Title Credits
PTA 222 临床教育II(第一期7周课程的前6周) 2
PTA 203 临床教育III(第二期7周课程的前6周) 1
PTA 204 物理治疗师助理的角色、关系和责任研讨会四 (Week 7 of the 2nd 7-week session) 2
PTA 220 Pathology & Rehabilitation of Special Populations & Conditions Across the Lifespan and Continuum of Care (2nd 7-week session) 1
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